Monday, 4 April 2016

Happy Easter! Mini Egg Victoria Sponge Cake

Happy Easter to all!

I baked a traditional Victoria Sponge double-layered cake, added buttercream to the top and decorated it with mini eggs. A perfect Easter treat after our lovely Sunday roast!

The mini eggs were a perfect touch and it really went down a treat in my household. It was completely gone within 24 hours!

For this cake I used my standard Victoria Sponge recipe. I have reposted it here for you to enjoy. Click here if you want to see the original recipe!

200g Butter
200g Caster Sugar
200g Self Raising Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
1 tbsp Vanilla Extract (optional)
4 Eggs
2tbsp Milk
140g Icing Sugar
100g Butter
1 tsp Vanilla Extract (optional)
Raspberry Jam (in this recipe I used redcurrant!)

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees and line two 20cm cake tins with butter.
2. Beat the butter and sugar together, then add the flour and eggs and beat until fully mixed. Add the milk if necessary and vanilla extract if desired.
3. Spread evenly between the tins and bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until an inserted knife comes out clean. Leave to cool upside down before decorating.
4. For the filling; mix the sugar and butter together. Spread over the bottom of one of the sponges. Spread the jam on the bottom of the second sponge.
5. Place the sponge with the jam on top of the butter icing sponge.
6. Decorate with more buttercream on top, and place the mini eggs on top as appropriate. There can be as many or as little as you like! You can also place cream on the sides of the cake, it depends on what look you are going for.


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